Several hours following a bomb threat at Bengaluru International Airport on Friday morning, the local police apprehended the individual responsible for the false alarm. In the initial inquiry, it was revealed that the suspect intended to frame his brother-in-law, prompting him to place a hoax call to the police control room using the alias Deepak.
The culprit, identified as Shubhashish Gupta, a former airport employee, was taken into custody at a paying guest accommodation in Wilson Garden. According to the police, Gupta’s motive was to entangle his brother-in-law, currently undergoing a divorce with Gupta’s sister.
Upon receiving the false bomb threat, law enforcement, in collaboration with the CISF and a canine unit, swiftly reached the airport and conducted a thorough search of the entire premises. Subsequently, a complaint was lodged with the Vidhana Soudha police by a sub-inspector from the Command Centre in the office of the Commissioner of Police in Bengaluru. This occurred after authorities confirmed the safety of the airport and declared the bomb threat to be a hoax. The Vidhana Soudha police promptly initiated an investigation, successfully tracing the accused’s mobile number used to make the fraudulent call to the airport.